With the pandemic still affecting millions of lives across the globe, families are being urged to work and study from home, requiring them to make massive compromises to their schedules, routines, and interior layouts to accommodate everyone’s needs.
As such, COVID-19 mixed home offices, classrooms, playrooms, and time-out zones into one space. Boundaries have been crossed, and what was once a haven for families from the outside world has now become… well, their whole world. It is almost impossible to maintain a harmonious balance between the needs of parent and child. Don’t worry; there is a solution. Flexible seating, which provides diverse usage options, is the perfect response to this issue.
Lap desks enable flexible learning Children, like their parents, must make do with what is available to them: kitchen bars, dinner tables, coffee tables, couches, and more suddenly become improvised spaces for learning. While these surfaces might provide a good temporary solution for adults, children are often too small to make proper use of them.
Let's take kitchen chairs as an example. Often, the child's legs hang midair, which is a big "No" according to posture experts. In addition, homes often get cluttered with the activities of everyday life, which can be distracting for parents and kids alike. When this happens, kids naturally will carve out their own private spaces to play or to learn. It’s evident that children who have separate rooms for learning and working have fared better in remaining focused on their lessons. However, this isn’t a reality for most. Families — especially larger ones — must coexist together, and not everyone has a home big enough to provide private rooms.
Now, this doesn’t mean students learning from home have to give up their education entirely: By using a lap desk, they can take their schoolwork anywhere in the house, as they’ll always have a surface to write on and complete assignments. Flexible seating also encourages parents to give their children a bigger say in how they choose to learn. Let your child amaze you with their eagerness and curiosity by giving them a tool that will truly turn any moment into an educational one.
support the future of education — not the past The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed countless faults in our daily lives – and now, we are striving to break old habits and create new and more healthy lifestyles for ourselves and our families. Working from home has reinforced our already highly-sedentary lifestyles, and this problem is getting worse. As a society, we are creating a habit of sitting from a very young age, speeding up the process of early-onset back pain, neck pain, shoulder soreness, and more.
Though the pandemic shows signs of slowing down, our perception of school and education methods have changed forever. This pandemic has exposed the faults in our societies, and now it is up to us to correct them so our future generations can benefit from a more inclusive and understanding culture: one that embraces different styles of learning and growing. Education, now more than ever, truly does start in the home.
As the world around us changes, the very foundation of education has been tested during COVID-19, proving that we need to find the best possible way to educate the next generation outside the classroom as parents and teachers.
As such, preparing students for the future of education requires providing them with flexible seating options. Granting your child the opportunity to learn using a lap desk ensures they're prepared to be an independent learner who can make decisions for themselves. Compare that to conventional desks that limit mobility and keep students sedentary, and it's easy to see which method is likely to be supported in future years.
So, are you ready to prepare your child for what’s to come by giving them the gift of flexible seating? If so, one of our favorite tools is DidiDesk, a portable and versatile kid’s desk perfect for any family.