Our Story
We never intended to sell desks. Our mission is to help children create a healthy, happy, and fulfilling future for themselves
through one thing: the power of choice.
The creation of Didi desk began with Nadav,
a monochromatic classroom, and an idea.
As a student, Nadav always looked for the exit point in classrooms. He strived not to be chained to their sad, uncomfortable, and boring desks and chairs. Keeping himself concentrated was a struggle.

A clear realization
Later in life, while on a visit to his hometown and elementary school,Nadav was awed by a disturbing realization: Kids still use the same damaging educational environment he’d used as a student over 20 years ago!
So, with the help of his beloved nephews, the DidiDesk journey began.
Our motivated Didi team is pursuing a learning environment that will not chain children to obsolete ideas. Instead, we want to form one that will help them become independent — at their own pace — by providing an aesthetic and adjustable learning environment that appeals to the personal choice and preferences of all learners.

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree,
it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
Sometimes attributed to Albert Einstein :)
We love it!